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160830-(Hildegard Mail) 지난주(20일) 하이킹에서 쓰러져 핼리콥터로 병원간 일

by 캔디wildrose 2016. 8. 31.

지난 8월 20일 토요일 HU그룹 하이킹을 Pickle Jar Lake였다.

난 이날 두바이에서 일년만에 방문한 작은애와 며칠(목금토일)을 지내느라 참석하지 못했다.

그런데 그날 하이킹 트레일에서 80살 독일사람이며 평생 독신으로 혼자사는 Hildegard 가 갑자기

기력이 떨어지는 현상이 나타나 

같이 하이킹한 간호원인 Jane이 맥박을 재어보니 230을 올랐고  

더 걸을수없게된 일이 일어났다고 하였다.

급히 911에 연락하여 헬리콥터가 와서 힐드가드를 풋힐스 병원으로 데려가서

다음날 심장수술을 하였다는 것이다

그리 어려운 심장수술이 아니었고 간단한 수술이었다고들 하였다

그리고 집에 와서 안정을 취한다고하며

27일 토요일 Janet의 생일파티에서 Donna가 내일 (일요일) 힐드가드 집을 방문할 것이라고

카드에 회복의 기원을 적고 $2씩 모아서 꽃을 사갔다고~~

그에 대한 답으로 힐드가드가 메일을 보내 온 것이다. 

My dear friends,

yOU ALL made it possible that I had the needed help and care for my untimely and sudden

collapse on the Picklejar Lakes Trail. lt was a sunny, warm day. Most of us were happily moving along, not expecting any clouds, rain and problems. Was this a wake-up call? Whatever we may

call it:

your tireless hetp and support was there when it was needed and is very much appreciated and remembered, Without your help things might hove taken a different turn.

The cardiologists believe thot I con resume my hiking activities os before.

The condition is called WPW.

Melody, Marjorie and Shlomit helped me to move down - slowly and steady. Marjorie carried my backpack and the poles, Melody allowed me to hold on to her backpack and Shlomit was patting my back.

I did not realize that we had so many professionals in our group.

Even a stranger, a medical doctor who happened to hike the trail, stopped to give us advice. Fish and Wildlife people helped with their satellite telephone and arranged for ambulances and helicopters. I feel embarrassed with so much attention but thank you all.

Thank you also for the many visits, the flowers and laughs we had together. My romantic books from the hospital library helped me feelgood as well.

And on Sunday even more surprises: Thank you for the wanderfulflower bouquets and visits.

We had a nice time together and if you want to see me, please come.

Many hrgt, Hildegard

28 August 2016

