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African safari (Wayne Orr 메일)

by 캔디wildrose 2017. 2. 22.

Seeing as how Jeanette Newton is currently on an African safari,

 I thought it was important I rush this over to her, for her safety and well-being…  J

Thought you ladies would enjoy seeing this as well…




This is the caption that won the contest!

웨인이 메일로 보내온 사진이다

쟈넷이 지금 아프리카 여행중이라~~~ㅎㅎㅎ

저 아짐 어쩌면 좋을꼬~~~

사자밥이 될지도 모르는데~~

전혀 모르는 표정 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ

웃을일이 아닌데~~

한참을 웃었네~~

