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## 일터에서-2022까지


by 캔디wildrose 2011. 11. 25.


2011년 일 능력평가표를 mark가 읽고 사인해서 복사해주었다.


* Totel Seniority date : Dec 13/06

* Type of Review : Annual

* Date : November 19 2011


-<Key Performance Areas>   <Points Possible>      <Results Achieved>     <perf level>  <Points Earned>


1. CUSTOMER SERVICE  : 70 : El provides great customer service at the till,

                                               and employs the points of the G.U.E.S.T. program.

                                               While El offers fast, pleasant assistance, she must try

                                               to converce more with the customer, and ensure 

                                                that the customer is the priority of all talk at the tills.

                                                When unsure of something,  El will not hesitate to ask for guidance.           : WD :50


2. APPROACH TO WORK : 20 : El has a positive attitude towards work, is easily approachable,

                                               and receptive to everything from suggestions on work efficiency

                                               to new programs and work plans.

                                               She follows policies and procedures in accordance to her position.

                                               El is consistently a few minutes early for work witch provides

                                               a quick cashier turn-over during busy times.

                                               During slow times, El must rember t keep busy when not cleaning her till.

                                               Remember to read and sign the stand up meetings will help keep

                                               El on top of what is new and relevant to her job.

                                               El will also take call-ins when needed.                                                                : VWD  : 17


3. ATTENDANCE               : 20 : El has had no late and no sick calls recorded this year.

                                                She is aware of procedures for both calling in sick

                                                and exchanging shifts with co-workers, and abides by them.                

                                                El always sufficient notice for RTOs and vacation time requests.                         : EX : 20


4. SUPERVISORY         : N/A


5. HOUSEKEEPING           : 30 :  El keeps a neat and tidy workspace, but does not consistently 

                                                 fill out the cleaning checklist.

                                                 During slow times, candy racks and magazines can be faced,

                                                 dusted, or worked once her till is clean.                                                             : EX : 21


6. Merchandising/Stocking  : N/A


7. JOB KNOWLEDGE/OTHER  : 50 : El has a very god working knowledge of the till and its operation.

                                                      She has a good knowledge of her PLU codes,

                                                      but weekly produce checks will help her keep on top of

                                                      what may be coming through her till.

                                                     El's cash-ups are quick and accurate in all aspects.

                                                     If she is unsure of any policies concerning cheques or

                                                     other or other parts of her job,

                                                     she is quick to ask and clarification.                                                        : Vwd : 42


8. TRAINING                       : 10 ;  El has successfully completed curse #112

                                                     Service Beynd Exectations                                                                      : Vwd :8



          < TOTAL POINT POSSIBLE : 200 :      TOTAL POINTS ACHIEVED   : 160 >



            180~200  : EXCEPTIONAL

            160~179  : VERY WELL DONE

            120~ 159 : WELL DONE

             90~119  : NEEDS IMPROVEMENT

             0~ 90     : INADEQUATE



     - Job knowledge

     - Approach to work

     - Maturity

     - Organized

     - Thorough



    - Communication



      El is a very personable and friendly cashier, who is both efficient and accurate on her till.

      She uses her time well, and gives a good amount of time for RTO when she needs time off,

      or by following proper procedures for trading shifts or giving them away.

      She has a good customer focus is our primary goal here at Co-op.

      Being a role model and showing leadership to her peers will help others attain this goal

      as well(i.e. Completing the cleaning sign-off sheets, etc....)

      El is a leasure to have on our front end.

      She requires little or no supervision  and can be relied upon to do her job.

      We appreciate her good work ethics.

