이 호텔이 근 1년간 문을 닫게 되었단다.
아마 핼스검사에서 문제가 생겼던것 같다.
요행히 지난 10월8일에 새로이 문을 열었다니
얘기로 전설로만 들려오던 곳이라 오고싶었다.
This legend is told by Dan Kennedy of Saskatchewan's Assiniboine Reserve. "In the pre-reservation days, at the turn of the last century, severe epidemics of smallpox almost wiped out large tribes of the Crees. When we first broke sod in the district where the Assiniboia Reserve is now located, it was not unusual to turn over several skulls each day. They were the skulls of smallpox victims. The Crees were winter-bound when this epidemic raged among the tribesmen, but as soon as spring broke, the survivors headed for the Saskatchewan River. On their way, three of the braves became ill. When the tribe camped at Manitou Lake they were too weak to go any further. They built shelters for the sick men and left them while the tribe moved on. Crazed by fever, one of the men managed to crawl to the shore of the lake to appease his burning thirst and cool his fever. He lay along the shore and drank deeply of the waters, bathed his face and body, but was too weak to crawl back to the shelter. He lay there until the next morning. To his surprise he found that the fever had left him. He told the good news to his fellow companions and dragged them to the lakeshore. There he told them to drink and bathe themselves until they too were cured. A few days later they caught up with their fellow tribesmen who could not believe that these were the men they had left behind. It took a lot of convincing to make them believe that they were not seeing the ghosts of the three braves."
호텔 실내에 호수의 물을 걸러서 만들어 놓은 온천 수영장이다.
물의 색이 어찌보면 푸른 녹색에다 불그스름하기도 하고~
어째 탁하고 맑지 못하네 하는 생각이 들었는데
물에 들어오니 저쪽에서 남자 한사람이
물위에 둥둥 뜨서 눈을 감고 반듯하게 누워있다.
이상하다 여겨졌지만
물에 들어 있을수록 신비스러움이 느껴지는 물이다.
대부분이 머리가 뽀오얀 70을 넘겼음직한 노인들만 보인다.
우리 셋이 young girl 이구나하며 웃었다 ㅎㅎ
리자이나에서 왔다는 이쁘고 곱게 생긴 할머니와 이야기를 나누었다.
Wheat와 Oat를 기르던 농장을 하였는데아들에게 물려주고 리타이어해서 여기저기 여행 다닌다고 하였다.그리고 이 물이 얼마나 좋은것인지 ~~할머니가 녹내장이어서 사물이 희미하게 보였는데이곳에 3번을 다녀간뒤에 마당에 서있는 남편이 보였다는 경험을 들려주기도 하였다.
뒤로 누워도 둥둥 뜨고
수영을 하고는 일어서려면 떠올라서 중심잡기가 힘들다 ㅎㅎ
앞으로 뒤로 그냥 누우면 떠오른다.
신기하고 재미있고~~
사람도 많지 않으니 동동 뜨서 눈감고 있으면 저절로 흘러다닌다 ㅎㅎ
<물의 성분>
9,505.0 milligrams/litre
Magnesium is an essential mineral with 70% of the body's supply located in the bones and 30% in the soft tissues and body fluids such as the lymphatics. Magnesium helps to maintain water balance in the cells and regulates the acid/alkaline (PH) necessary for proper functioning of the nerves and muscles. It also helps to regulate the body's temperature. Magnesium is a natural skin toner, tightener, refresher, allergy fighter, and moisture retainer.
180.0 milligrams/litre
39,577.0 milligrams/litre Sulphate helps to maintain the body's balance, meaning it regulates the distribution of fluid on either side of the cell walls. It works with potassium to preserve the alkalinity of the body's fluid and aids in keeping the skin healthy. It also maintains health of the nervous system, muscular system, blood and lymph systems. Sodium is a natural cleanser and rehydrater.
430.0 milligrams/litre Potassium preserves the proper alkalinity of body fluids and aids in keeping the skin healthy. Potassium is a mineral salt used for its antibacterial and astringent effect in natural deodorants and antiperspirants.
Mineral Salts Mineral Salts are natural ingredients that stimulate the skin to perform functions such as oil production and hydration. As the skin sags with age, mineral salts help bring blood and oil to the skin's surface. Mineral salts aid hydration which helps firm the skin by balancing moisture beneath the surface. It keeps mucous membranes moist and increases cell regeneration, giving skin greater elasticity. In addition, mineral salts boost the immune system by penetrating into the skin, strengthening the blood vessel walls.
Sodium (Table Salt)
6,138.0 milligrams/litre
8,969.0 milligrams/litre
480.0 milligrams/litre Calcium has been used in the treatment and prevention of sunburn in addition to providing protection against the effects of sun damage such as redness and subsequent peeling. It also protects against sun-caused skin cancers, and helps skin to remain healthy. The combination of Vitamin A and calcium are good protection for the skin. Calcium is a natural anti-allergen.
Oxide of Iron and Aluminum
4.0 milligrams/litre Iron is necessary for hemoglobin and myoglobin formation. A deficiency of iron results in paleness of the skin. Aluminum is used in foil, deodorants, and baking powder as an emulsifier, in some processed cheeses, and as a bleaching agent to whiten flour. There are no known beneficial effects of aluminum.
9.9 milligrams/litre Silica plays an important part in the formation of bones, nails, teeth, and connective tissue. Some of the highest levels of silica are found in cartilage, tendons, and blood vessels. Silica is a natural skin toner and tightener.
Sulphur Sulphur is often called "Nature's Beauty Mineral" because it keeps the hair smooth and glossy and the complexion clear and youthful. Sulphur is stored in every cell with the highest concentration found in the joints, hair, skin, and nails. It is reabsorbed by the skin and hair and stabilizes a too-strong sebaceous gland. It has the ability to alleviate itching and plays a part in tissue respiration. Sulphur is necessary for collagen synthesis and naturally eases aching joints.
Specific Gravity 1.06 The specific gravity of tap water is 1.0, and when you add salts the water dissolves and becomes more buoyant.
호텔 전경
이 호텔에서 숙박을 하면
free breakfast~
no limit 수영장을 이용할수있고
수영장 입장료는 11불, 하루이용권은 15불,
호텔방 창문에서 내려다 본~
올해는 비가 많이 와서 호수의 물이 많다고~
리조트 분양가격
주말이면 부페와 댄스를 하는곳 Danceland
free breakfast와 식당
우리들의 Dinner !
밥통을 들고 들어가서 밥을 하고
가져간 반찬으로 진수성찬의 디너였다 ㅎㅎ
둘쨋날의 저녁밥! ㅎㅎ 밥상이~
햇살비친 물빛깔~
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