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## 그룹Hikes&meet 2021까지

170701토- Canada Day Hiking-Jumping pound Ridge & 포틀럭파티

by 캔디wildrose 2017. 7. 2.

총15명 참가

키이스는 거리긴 트레일을 걷는다고 혼자서 cox hill 주차장에 내렸다



중국여자 2,머디,나,

Hello fellow adventurers,


On Saturday, July 1, Canada Day, we proud Canadians will once again ascend Jumpingpound Mountain, wave our flags and joyfully sing our national anthem. Two options are available to reach the summit. The longer route starts at the Lus

k Pass trailhead and zigzags its way to the Cox Hill junction on the ridge trail. Hold to the right and Jumpingpound summit is 3 K distant. Total return distance is 13 K with 610 M elevation. The shorter route starts on the Powderface Trail directly below the summit. The return distance on this trail is 7 K with 417 M elevation.
