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## 일터에서-2022까지

160530Mon.- Did you know~?

by 캔디wildrose 2016. 6. 1.

Stand up meeting board가

매주 시작 일요일에 나오는데

이번주의 필요한 알림사항이라든지 지시사항과

맨 아랫줄에 스테이시의 재치로 유머어라든지~그런거 한줄이 있다

이번주에 적혀있는거다~

1) That the sudden jerk you are just beginning to fall asleep is 

called a "Hypnic Jerk" 

2) that the opposite of "deja vu" is "jamais vu"

meaning you don't remember something you always see

3) unexpected phone calls and texts tend to be the best

and can instantly improve a person's mood and state of mind.
