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## 그룹Hikes&meet 2021까지

160827토-Jeanette newton 의 70살 birthday party

by 캔디wildrose 2016. 8. 28.

Janet newton의 70살 Birthday Party가 있었다

Tuscany 동네의 커뮤니티 홀에서 있었는데

두아들이 마련하여 쟈넷의 친구들과 가족들이 모였다

큰 아들은 동부 할리팍스에 사는데 pilot이고, 작은 아들은 에드먼튼 살며 소방원이라고

큰 아들에서 손녀 하나 둘째아들에게서 손자 하나와 손녀둘이라고~

밴드가 6시부터 10시까지 

옛팝송을 연주하고 노래부르며 댄스를 하였고

음식은 potluck으로~~

편안한 분위기여서 참 좋았다

나도 나가서 춤을 췄다 ㅎㅎ

내 평생 처음 이렇게 땀젖게 춤춰보기는 처음이네~ㅋㅋ


Birthday Party
Jeanette Newton

Still Hanging on to the Top of the Hill??


To all those  H.U. friends who have shared so many memorable moments with me and remember the fun in the adventure while challenging mighty winds, severe downpours, lightening bolts, snowstorms, slipping on rocks and rotten bridges, dangling on wires called chains, crossing knee-deep nasty rivers, getting X-country skis stuck under two-three feet of snow ...


Take note

This is for you!


You are invited to celebrate my recent Birthday

society sees as

"Over the Hill"

I really don't agree

So, it's time for a Party


Tuscany Club

Saturday August 27th


212 Tuscany Way NW



Pot Luck

will need support with salads and appetizers


Appetizers 6:00

Dinner 7:00

Followed by dancing to 50's-60's Music



Please support me on this special occasion by bringing your dancing shoes

No gifts please



RSVP by August 1'st

쟈넷의 초대메일이 요랬다 ㅎ
