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Angiogram (혈관 촬영)- Keith mail

by 캔디wildrose 2016. 2. 27.

키이스가 메일을 보내왔다

심장혈관 검사를 하고난 뒤의 결과를 알려준다

키이스는 이틀을 휴가를 내고 병원에 갔다

도움을 줄수있는 일이 믄지도 모르겠고 그냥 염려하고 잘 되기를 바라는 마음을 보내는것 뿐이니~~

23일 화요일에 힘든 검사 일종의 심장수술이라

24일과 25일 두번 전화 연락을 하였지만 연결이 안되어 걱정이 되었는데

키이스가 '잘 되었으니 걱정말라'며 내 폰에 앤서링 남겨놓았더니

자세한 내용 메일로 보내왔다.


Keith and Donna
받는 사람:
Alice Huang <huangchinmei@yahoo.com>;
Angela Ayers <dangela.ayers@gmail.com>;
Anne Marie Cormier <CORMIERANNE_MARIE@hotmail.com>;
Bruce Cooper <CuiCooper2009@shaw.ca>;
Chuck Wardrop <wardropc@shaw.ca>;
Dan and Jodi Rietveld <DJRIETVELD@TELUS.NET>;
Dorothy Massey <dmassey1@telus.net>;
...  2016-02-26 (금) 오후 7:58
2016-02-28 오전 10:03에 이 메시지를 전달했습니다.

23. Tuesday

    I got up at 5:30 and phoned Donna at Gail’s at 5:45.

 I had driven Donna to Gail’s the night before and kept the Corolla in our garage.
 I went to pick Donna up at 6:30 and she was still asleep.
 I guess the phone in the basement does not work.
 Donna quickly got dressed while I took Benson across the street. 
At 6:40 we left for the Foothills Hospital and Donna dropped me off there at 7:00. 
It was after 8:00 before I got my bed in the ward 
and at 10:00 they wheeled me down the hall to get my angiogram done. 
Dr. Lesoway explained the procedure to me. 
He made a small cut in my wrist and inserted a tube into an artery. 
He pushed the tube through the artery up my arm, across my chest and into the left ventricle. 
Then he pushed about an ounce of dye through the tube
 and the x-ray machine took many pictures of the dye being pumped through all the vessels. 
There were no blockages of any kind. 
The only problem was that the left ventricle was not expelling all the blood that it could.
 Normal is 50% to 75% and my heart was at 55%.
 I went back to the ward and read Chuck’s book “A Walk in the Woods” about the Appalachian Trail.
 Donna picked me up at 1:30 and took me home.
 I was not supposed to use my right hand so I took it easy 
and did not do much for the rest of the day


3월 17일

 키이스가 검사결과에 대한 결과를 메일로 보내왔다


I've been to see the cardiologist today and he went over all my test results. 

They are all within normal so we're both happy with them. 

I really do feel a lot better than I did six months ago. 

There's no explanation for the shortness of breath I felt then.

 I'm just glad I feel okay now.



Keith Rietveld
