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20 Dec22아침- 폭설 & 박선생님의 Email(아드님사망소식)

by 캔디wildrose 2020. 12. 23.

며칠전부터 월요일 오후부터 폭설이 내린다는 주의보가 내리더니

화요일아침 문을 열고 내다보니

엄청나게 눈이 내려서

도로에 움직이지않는 차들이 눈에 파묻혀있다.

아마 50cm 이상은 내렸고

거라지앞에 문을 가린 눈산이 만들어져있다 ㅎ

삽으로 치울수있는 높이가 아니다 ㅎ


마침 오늘 오프라서 다행이다.

차가 눈에 빠져서 출근할수가 없었을것이었으니~

내일도 오프라 다행이다.

도로 눈이 치워졌으면 눈길 걸으러 나가봐야겠다 ㅎ






22일 온 시내가 마비되었다

23일에도 눈이 다치워지지않을정도~

근 90여년만에 짧은시간에 이렇게 많이 내린 눈이 기록이라고~

신문에 나온사진이다

눈사람을 마당에 만들어 뒀는데

토끼가 와서 캐럿을 먹고있는~ ㅎ






9월25일에 가서 뵙고 온 박선생님께서

크리스마스 인사라며 메일을 보내셨는데

두달사이에 놀랍고 어이없는 일이 있으신 일을 적어셨네.

나와 동갑인 큰아드님께서

갑자기 위암으로 돌아가셨다고~


한치 앞을 내다볼수없는 인간이라지만


운명이란게 ~

내일을 알수없는 우리의 생명인걸~


엔지니어로 돈도 잘벌어 재산도 많다했는데

아이들도 잘 자라주어서

행복이란 행복은 다 가졌다고 했거늘~

이 모든것이 찾아온 죽음 앞에 믄 소용있으리~




(박선생님의 메일)


This is the recent development of the Park families of Alberta. On Sunday,
November 15, our beloved David stopped his breathing and ascended to heaven
to rejoice in the Lord. On Sunday, November 22, his funeral service was
held at Queen’s Park Cemetery with only families and some friends. Stomach
cancer is his main cause of death and he did not suffer too long.  His
cancer developed so fast and by the time he was found of it, it was already
end-stage.  it only took a little more than 2 to 3 months before his death.
David is loving husband to Helen, daddy for Jason, Jeremy, and Joanne. He
also is a son to us, brother, and uncle for many of the related families.
We are deeply saddened by the loss of him and we part with our beloved
David in pain and no words can describe how sorry we are for his death. 

Christmas is approaching  shortly as usual. This time we have Christmas a
way differently from the ones that we had previously. First, David won’t
be with us and we will miss him with heart-felt sorrow. Due to the COVID-
19, screening and masking are mandatory, social distance restrictions must
be observed and no group parties are allowed. No one knows how long this
pandemic would be around and health safety would return and thus we enjoy
normal life. But now this is true and we face much danger for our daily
living. Please be extremely cautious and take care for yourself. I also had
cancer surgery and hospitalized for 3 weeks and recovering very slowly, but
luckily survived. We returned to independent life from Lodge. It’s very
meaningful and happy to carry on normal life.  Both of us at 92 and 90 make
every effort to stand on our own two feet and walk around in the room with
no fall. We thank you for your love and care. But we don’t know what’s
going to happen next.  We need your prayers  and friendship. Please help us
to demonstrate  Job's amazing declaration of unwavering trust in God.
Possessions, children, and friends are gone, yet we honestly say, "The Lord
alone gives and takes."  May God bless you all!  Merry Christmas and happy
New Year 2021!  박동진/손혜진 드림 (dj/hj Park)

