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161216금- 차 시동이 걸리지않아서 ama 전화

by 캔디wildrose 2016. 12. 17.
방심해서 일어난 일!
어제 퇴근해서 플러그를 꽂어야하는데 그냥 잤다
오늘 오프이고 기온이 -25도로 내려가리라 생각을 못했다
근 2주간 낮은 온도라 이제는 기온리 올라갈때가 되었다 싶었고 ㅎㅎ 오산~
그동안 매일 밤에는 코드를 연결하여 꽂아두고 잤는데 말야

아침 11시반에 차 시동을 거니 옴짝을 않한다
핸들도 전혀 움직이지도 않고~

출근을 안하는 날이라서 다행이지만
시장 좀 보러가보나하고 나선길인데 말이다
어쩔까 하다
2003년도 부터 맴버 가입해놓고 사용해본적이 딱 한번~ 
밴프의 죤스톤 캐년 주차장에서 차안에다 key 를 두고 문을 잠궜었다.
옆에 있던사람의 셀폰으로 ama 전화해서  1시간 기다려서 와서는 2분만에 열어주었던 일이 
맴버쉽 이용했던 딱 한번의 일이다~

그래서  그동안 돈내고도 사용을 안했으니 이용해보자하고는 Ama 에 전화를 하였다
1시간 가다렸더니 와서는
스타트가 얼었다며 녹이는 스프레이를 뿌리니 금방 시동이 걸린다 ㅎ
어어~그 스프레이 어디다 뿌렸어? 아르켜줘 ㅎ 해도
빙그시 웃으며 ~바이~하고 간다ㅎ
에잇 응큼하게 생긴 넘ㅋㅋ

<How to car care in cold weather>

 A modern car should start when it’s -30C if it hasn’t been plugged in, but it won’t like it.

When the engine starts, it pumps oil through the engine block to lubricate moving parts.When the temperature drops, the oil is thick and doesn’t flow like it should.Less oil flow means more friction — and that means engine parts wear faster than they should. A block heater warms the engine coolant, which warms the engine block and the oil.Plugging in your car before you start it can also lower your car’s emissions — and your gasoline bill, At -20C, a block heater can improve your fuel economy by as much as 10 per cent.

In the winter, a cold engine burns more gas and produces more tailpipe emissions. That’s why idling for 10 or 15 minutes to warm up your car isn’t such a hot idea — you’re polluting and burning more gas than you would be if you were driving. It’s better to just get in and drive until the car reaches it’s proper operating temperature, .A block heater can give you a head start by warming up the engine.
