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15/5/23 Waterton Lake NP.-Bertha Lake 트레일에서 만난 꽃들

by 캔디wildrose 2015. 5. 26.

Showy Jacob's ladder


Round -Leaved Violet

Violet family(Violaceae)

Humans have long fed on the spring beauty’s corm and vitamin C–rich leaves. 

Native Americans dug corms in spring after the plants flowered to supplement their diet. 

Because spring beauty corms are high in starch and digestible sugar, 

they can be eaten raw and are occasionally gathered by early season backpackers to supplement trail meals. 

The ones I’ve tried tasted something like a cross between a mellow radish and a raw potato. 

Dubbed “Indian potatoes” by early settlers, 

corms can also be baked, steamed, dried 

and ground into a flour for cakes, or stored overwinter.
