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## 그룹Hikes&meet 2021까지

201028 Downtown night walk HU group10명

by 캔디wildrose 2020. 10. 30.

지난주 수요일에 도나가 브레스트캔서 수술을 하였다.

수술 후 조용히 집에서 쉬어야할것같아

나는 전화도 하지않았다.

일주일 지난뒤라 안부 인사겸 전화를 하였다.


그랬는데 수술한 사람 같지않게

대수롭지 않은듯 여기저기 다니고 한다며 ㅎㅎ

저녁에 다운타운 빌딩 오로라 조명쇼를 어두워진뒤부터 11시까지 보여준다고

그룹맴버 갈사람 몇명이 간단다.

마침 나도 오프라 가보겠다고 하였다.

다운타운 가까운 곳에 사는 조이의 집에 모여서

차를 그곳에 주차해두고 걸어서갔다.



조이의 옆집


조이집 앞에 모여서~



조이가 코비드타임 할로윈 캔디를

아이들에게 나눠주는 연습을 한다며~ ㅎ


오는 사람마다 저렇게 캔디를 받고~ ㅋㅋ





다운타운을 향하여 걷기시작



빌딩 앞에 있는 작품



캘거리타워를 향하여~




텔아스빌딩 조명을 구경하며~





ㅋㅋ 난 그리 흥미롭지 못했다 

빌딩 조명 오르락내리락 몇번 바뀌는것 뿐이니 ㅋㅋ


두바이에서 본 세계 최고 높은 빌딩의 조명쇼를 보고왔으니~

이 정도는 정말 신통찮았다 ㅋㅋ


그냥 밤에 다운타운을 같이 걸어본다는것에 의미가 더 크다





캘거리 타워



2006년 부터 높은 빌딩이 들어서면서

캘거리타워가 낮아져버려서 초라하게 되었다.

20년전만해도 다운타운에서 가장 높은 곳이라

캘거리를 조망해보러 타워를 오르는 관광이 있었는데

이젠 높은 건물에 가려져서 타워의 역활이 초라해져버렸다.







<Randy H사진>

Telus' Northern Lights Display. Oct. 28, 2020

  Another wonderful  idea from our hiking groups Wonderful Idea Club suggested we take a walk into downtown Calgary and view Telus' northern lights display.  And so a group of ten did just that. 


  It has been some time since I have walked these streets at night, like three years . . . maybe longer, but it felt comforting and secure meandering about the streets and avenues of the downtown core once again.


 So come along and view with us a piece of Calgary's night life.


South side of the Bow River and heading Downtown.





The Telus building is the one on the right with the row of slanted purple lights.
The Bow Tower is the taller building.






Looking west along 8th avenue which is now pedestrian friendly and closed to vehicle traffic.












Standing alongside three members of the Famous Five located within Olympic Plaza

"The Famous Five (French: Célèbres cinq), also known as The Valiant Five,[1] and initially as The Alberta Five, were five prominent Canadian suffragists who advocated for women and children.[2] They asked the Supreme Court of Canada to answer the question, "Does the word 'Persons' in Section 24 of the British North America Act, 1867, include female persons?" in the case Edwards v Canada. The five women, Emily Murphy, Irene Marryat Parlby, Nellie Mooney McClung, Louise Crummy McKinney and Henrietta Muir Edwards, created a petition in an effort to have women considered legally as a person, so that women could be appointed to the Senate.

The petition was filed on August 27, 1927, although the Supreme Court of Canada passed a decision that women are not such persons. This judgement was overturned by the British Judicial Committee of the Privy Council on October 18, 1929. This case came to be known as the "Persons Case". Although Canadian women (those who were British/Canadian citizens) had the vote in many provinces and in federal elections by 1929, the case was part of a larger drive for political equality."




The Old City Hall building after restorations were completed on September 15, 2020.

The building is constructed of Paskapoo Sandstone as were a number of other buildings of that time following the Calgary fire of 1866.

The original City Hall building was opened in 1911.


Since restorations were completed in September the clock has not kept an accurate time--it slows down.
There are about nine quality clock repair companies in North America and all are in the US. And until our borders are opened up again a Calgary city official has to go into the tower and manually advance the hands to the correct time.








Stepan Ave.를 걸어서 올림픽 프라자에 가서

역사적인 일들을 얘기나누고

여자들에게 투표권이 주어진게 그리 오래전 일이 아니었다고~


















옛 시청 건물을 구경하고~




보우강변을 따라 걸어서~





센터 스트리트의 다리밑을 걸으며~


근 2시간을 걸었다.

밤에 혼자서는 도저히 나올수없는 다운타운 걷기,

이렇게 그룹이 함께 걸으니 그런데로 재미있었다.


7시에 조이집앞에서 걷기 시작해서 9시30분까지 걸었다.

노인들의 삶! ㅎ

