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## 그룹Hikes&meet 2021까지

180512 토- HU Farewell to Sharon

by 캔디wildrose 2018. 5. 14.

HU Group을 만든 샤론의 죽음을 기리는 모임을 가졌다

남편인 랜디를 위로하기 위한 모임을 하게된 것이다

그리고 맴버였던 레이몬드와 페이 부부가

다음달에 딸이 사는 온타리오 몽크동네로 이사를 간단다.

남은 생을 딸 옆에서 살려고 가는것이라고~

이 두가지행사를 한번에 모여서 얘기나누는 시간을 갖게된것이다

Faye and Raymond Giroux 


HU Farewell

As most of you know Sharon Henderson, the founder of Hikers Unanimous, passed away April 15, 2018.  

We are holding a gathering to honour her and support Randy.  

The event will be Saturday, May 12th, from 1 to 4 pm at 2500 Marda Link SW.

We will also give goodbye hugs to Faye and Raymond Giroux as they will be moving to ontario.

There will be a $5.00 charge user fee PER PERSON to cover rental costs and sundry supplies.  

If there are sufficient funds left over, 

we would like to purchase flowers for Sharon's Celebration of Life June 2nd at the Unitarian Church.

Please bring finger food to share (example:  cheese, sausage, crackers, fruit, vegetables and appetizers).  

Coffee, tea and cake will be provided.  

Please RSVP by MONDAY, MAY 7TH as space is limited.  

If you have any questions, please call Melody at 403-236-9549 or Donna at 403-236-5614.
